Wednesday, October 7, 2020

F.A.T Photography

Bismillah & Salam & Good day :D

F.A.T Photography provides photography services (wedding, nikah, tunang, event etc).
F.A.T Photography shoots photos sincerely from the inheart passion.
So F.A.T Photography gives its best with what you dare to pay :D
Our packages starts from RM450.
You can always ask F.A.T Photography what we could offer with your budget.
F.A.T Photography coverage covers Penang & nearby Kedah area for free.
Contact F.A.T Photography first for more detail by 'e-mail'ing us your inquiry at
This blog will show you guys our packages and some samples from F.A.T Photography works.
Enjoy and F.A.T Photography expects to see you.

## Now we do designing! :D so feel free if you wanto design something, but u can only describe it..We can express your idea into design T-Shirt, banners, custom album, logos etc..

Navigate at the CATEGORIES and BLOG ARCHIVE (on the right) for photos and information.